Youinheaven skrev 2019-02-14 18:08:59 följande:
Scientists are actively studying a wide range of health problems that may be linked to the overconsumption of added sugars, including the following:
- Cancer: High intakes of sugars and refined carbohydrates have been linked to increased risk of some cancers, as well as to higher rates of recurrence and lower rates of survival after cancer therapy.11,12
- Alzheimer's disease and memory loss: Excess sugar consumption was linked to deficiencies in memory and overall cognitive health.13,14
- Aging: Scientists have observed links between sugar consumption and the aging of our cells, as well as skin wrinkling. 23,15,16
While it is still too soon to confirm whether these are also linked to the overconsumption of added sugars, new findings are being published all the time. Stay tuned to SugarScience for the latest research as it emerges.
Texten är citerad rakt av från länken
Referens 11:
En intervju utan forskningsreferense där man nämner "higher intace" av en rad saker.
Referens 12:
Djurstudier där man undersöker Omega3 påverkan på redan högt insulin. Inte en studie på normalt sockerintag.
Så denna slutsats har ingenting att göra med de referenser som ges.
Här letar jag inte längre då det verkar vara "mumbo jumbo" och jag gillar inte gishgallloping.