Inlägg från: Crash Man |Visa alla inlägg
  • Crash Man

    Hijab-dagen 2019

    Jag hittade denna videon.

    Även om jag röstade SD i valet 2018 så stödjer jag inte förbud av hijab eller niqab. En stat ska inte bestämma hur dess invånare ska klä sig , det är Nordkorea-fasoner.

    Detta är dock ingeting som bör uppmuntras, och ännu mindre hyllas.

    Det var en person i kommentarsfältet till den videon som skrev något väldigt bra.

    "I find it extremely odd that a religion and set of dependent ultra-conservative cultures that advocate an extreme patriarchy, misogyny, severe criminal penalties for LGBT persons, fundamentalism, and frequently violent oppression of other religious traditions and other unpleasant things, is now the symbol of empowerment and liberation. There is a countercurrent in Islam that is trying to move the tradition towards moderation and liberal values. But that isn?t going to go anywhere if they Left keep condemning them while they uphold this dangerously conservative mode of belief and practice as just the best thing to happen to the world since Benjamin Franklin. If someone wants to wear the hijab then please do. The First Amendment guarantees that right. But it?s hardly something worth celebrating and certainly not something worth crowning as the epitome of female empowerment."

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