Köpa melatonin från usa?
Although some evidence exists showing that melatonin is safer than previously administered sleep aids such as Benadryl, Owens says long-term follow-up studies are lacking.
One potential area of concern is how melatonin might impact puberty: Abundant melatonin levels are believed to delay puberty. When the supplement is stripped away, melatonin hormone levels drop, which in theory could cause early-onset puberty.
But far more worrisome to Owens is the ease with which children who suffer from sleep problems are given pills. In her opinion, behavioral therapy, alone or in conjunction with a sleep aid, should be the first step. ?If you just put a child or adult on sleep medication and you don?t do the behavior interventions, well guess what? When you take them off the medication, the problem is still there,? says Owens.
Jag förstår inte problemet hon ser eller vad du vill belysa. Ofta sätter man inte bara in melatonin utan pratar också om sömnhygien, provar boll/kedjetäcke etc. Mern har man Melatoninbrist så har man ju, och då behövs ett extra tillskott för att kunna sova.
Det du skrev ovan om könsutveckling har helt avskrivits, här finns en länk med lite mer samlad vetenskaplig information. klokalistan.janusinfo.se/2017/Psykiatri/Somnstorningar/Somnmedel-till-barn--och-ungdomar/melatonin/