Trump som president :( vad händer nu?
FDFMGA skrev 2017-04-22 23:38:26 följande:
Kan man ju kanske tycka, men som lekman vore det mig främande att ifrågasätta den medicinska expertisen.Jag utgår från att de bedömer att de har haft honom under observation en längre tid

"The claims made in the conference have drawn criticism from some in the psychiatric establishment, who say they violate the American Psychiatric Association?s ?Goldwater rule,? which states psychiatrists are not to give professional opinions on people they have not personally examined."
Samtidigt förklarar man:
"Dr Gartner was invited as an activist and was not on the actual panel. "The organiser emphasises that the event was independently organised and did not represent the views of Yale University or Yale School of Medicine.?
Om det ska delas ut diagnoser behöver man först göra en ordentlig oberoende utredning.