Padirac skrev 2022-04-09 18:30:25 följande:
Ok- så du tar ett exempel från region gävleborg och använder det på Doggers Park?
Eller menar du att en dålig satsning gör alla satsningar dåliga?
Varför drar du upp Regions Gävleborg i Equinors satsning ute i Nordsjön? Vad har det enea exake med det andra att göra?
Menar du att en lista över bra och dåliga satsningar på energiutvinning är relevant argumentation?
Chernobyl, Fukishima. eller varför inte detta
"The UCS analysis found that:
? More than one-third of existing plants, representing 22 percent of total US nuclear capacity, are unprofitable or scheduled to close (Figure ES-1). On average, projected operating costs exceed revenues between 2018 and 2022 for 16 nuclear plants in addition to five plants scheduled for retirement. These 21 plants accounted for 22.7 gigawatts (GW) of operating capacity in 2018. The annual average cost of bringing unprofitable plants to the breakeven point is $814 million, for a total of more than $4 billion over five years. Merchant plants are more susceptible to market forces and have a higher risk of retirement, but regulated and public power plants are not immune from these pressures. Ten of the 21 plants are merchant plants (10.5 GW), including four (4.2 GW) that are slated to close and six (6.3 GW) that have a higher risk of closing in the future. Eleven of the 21 plants are regulated plants (12.3 GW), including one (2.2 GW) that is slated to close by 2025 and 10 that have a lower risk of closing because they currently receive cost recovery from ratepayers. Eight additional plants are marginally profitable (15 GW), including five merchant plants (9.8 GW) and three regulated plants (5.2 GW).
? Single-reactor plants are more at risk than multiplereactor plants. More than three-quarters of the total capacity from smaller, single-reactor plants is unprofitable or marginal compared with 20 percent from larger, multiple-reactor plants, which have greater economies of scale.
? The Midwest and Mid-Atlantic states have the most plants at risk of early retirement. The Midcontinent Independent System Operator has the greatest unprofitable nuclear capacity (8.3 GW, 63 percent of its total nuclear capacity) due to lower-than-average wholesale electricity prices and a higher concentration of singlereactor plants. PJM Interconnection in the Mid-Atlantic states has the most marginal capacity (8.6 GW, 25 percent of its total nuclear capacity).
? Seventeen states have plants that are unprofitable or scheduled to close (Figure ES-2, p. 4). Ohio, Louisiana, and Minnesota have the highest amount of unprofitable capacity. Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Tennessee have the most marginal capacity. California and New York have the most capacity scheduled to close. Financial support has helped make five unprofitable or marginal plants in Illinois, New Jersey, and New York profitable. Such support also has boosted the revenues of one plant in New York and one in New Jersey even though the UCS analysis suggests that these were already profitable.
? Most plant owners have reactors that are unprofitable or scheduled to close. Exelon owns the most US nuclear capacity (20 GW) by far; about one quarter of that capacity is unprofitable or marginal. Entergy is retiring 40 percent of its nuclear capacity with the pending closure of three plants in Massachusetts, Michigan, and New York, and its remaining capacity is unprofitable or marginal. More than half of FirstEnergy?s nuclear capacity is unprofitable, with the remainder categorized as marginal. Notably, all of the assets of a few companies that own only one or two nuclear plants, like Xcel Energy, are unprofitable compared with cheaper alternatives available in the market.
? Natural gas prices, nuclear costs, and CO2 prices have the biggest impact on profitability. The amount of unprofitable nuclear capacity could increase from 16.3 GW under our reference case assumptions to 42.7 GW (42 percent of total US nuclear capacity) with higher nuclear costs and 28.7 GW with lower natural gas prices over the next five years. In contrast, the amount of unprofitable capacity could decline to 10.6 GW with lower nuclear costs, 7 GW with higher natural gas prices, and 1.4 GW with a national CO2 price of $25 per ton in 2020, rising 5 percent per year."
Är detta relevanta argument för Equinors satsning ute i Nordsjän? Eller är det ta argiument för eller mot någonting annat?
Så.. vad är argument för eller mot olika saker i dina inlägg?
Haha, så gör du ingenting annat än att upprepa samma påhittade sammanhang.
Bättre kan du.
Det finns givetvis lönsamma vindkraftsprojekt men det är inte bara att tuta och köra så som de trodde i Gävleborgs region och på flera andra håll. Blir även för mycket kapital låsta eller bortkastade på olönsamma projekt eller direkta fiaskon så börjar likviditeten som behövs för att överhuvudtaget hinna med omställningen att tryta.