Gudasänd skrev 2015-05-16 22:40:52 följande:
Vetenskapsdokumentär (Ny!) om Chemtrails, mycket sevärd:
Chemtrails - The Secret War:
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"I grew up in Eastern Europe. My dad was in the air force, so we lived in close proximity to an air field.
Never once have I seen a chemtrail, prior to moving to the US.
Chemtrails ARE NOT Condensation trails, chemtrails hang around and spread.
I've been pretty sick ever since I moved here and my health would always deteriorate on "rainy days". I started noticing criss-cross patterns in the sky, right before the weather would change drastically and how that change affected me.
They've been spraying so much this past year here in Texas that everyone is feeling the chem-trails affects, but writes it off on viruses or work-related exhaustion. They start spraying at dawn and within hours, you start sneezing, get stuffy nose and sore throat, feel fatigued, feel sick to your stomach, get migraines and severe anxiety out of nowhere. If it goes on for days - you also start having emotional issues - severe depression and crying spells. They have been spraying for weeks prior to Christmas and the weather had been strange.
Temperatures fluctuating between 70 and 30F throughout the day, heavy rain one day, below freezing the other. However, as soon as Christmas weekend started and all of the military guys got a day off - Sun is out, nice and warm, everyone is out and about. It felt great. I was at the park today and saw zero chemtrails, where as usually the sky is covered.
What a coincy-dink, right? If I had the money, I'd jump on the next plain back to EE and never come back. When you witness all the evil that takes place in the States, you realize that money and all the material crap, that the Western world is promoting, is shit. None of that will ever make you happy."
Måste vara skitjobbigt att fortsätta blåneka Chemtrails, såsom:
Mötte Aeroflot över Ryssland på väg till Moskva.