Gudasänd skrev 2014-11-30 19:08:31 följande:
BBC tar ju givetvis tillbaka sitt avslöjande, eftersom man inte vill avslöja CIA/FBI/NSA...
Hur förklarar du förresten faktumet att BBC rapporterade att WTC 7 föll pladask till marken, ½ timma innan den gjorde det?
"What about the incorrect reporting of the collapse of Tower 7? Having talked to key eyewitnesses who were actually at Ground Zero that day it is clear that, as early as midday, the fire service feared that Tower 7 might collapse. This information then reached reporters on the scene and was eventually picked up by the international media.
The internet movie Loose Change has been viewed by more than 100 million people according to its makers and it asks this question in the latest film release: "Where did CNN and the BBC get their information especially considering the building was still standing directly behind their reporters?"
It turns out that the respected news agency Reuters picked up an incorrect report and passed it on. They have issued this statement:
"On 11 September 2001 Reuters incorrectly reported that one of the buildings at the New York World Trade Center, 7WTC, had collapsed before it actually did. The report was picked up from a local news story and was withdrawn as soon as it emerged that the building had not fallen.""