Soc delar ut liserbergsbiljetter
Do you understand who is the enemy in Sweden? Don't you understand you are all controlled by a nanny system?
In Sweden the social workers are actually an idea from Nazi Hitler . It was Sweden who he implented social works everywhere to "spy" and "stalk" all his nation.
Google Hitler and how he implented his model. Social workers study psychology to influence all lives of people just like Hitler did. Hitler with nationalist socialism (ideology).
The most threat in Sweden are not Sweden's Democrats for racism NO.
It is authorities in uniforms "stalking and "spying" how should people live.
I had a friend in Sweden who was taken to ten foster families she was raped by three men there she was hungy all the time she was beaten all the time. She was taken from her original mother and because of silly reasons. There was actually
no reason at all. Only the mother was different was living not "Svensson" way
She was Swedish by wanted to live "different".
A friend of mine had posted a post in Swedish about Social workers and it was removed from Familjeliv i just wonder are the admins here working for the socialtjänst or is it just a concidence (social workers must know their laundary is starting to smell outside Sweden).
This post was started an adverstisment for a virus in Sweden called Socialtjänst.
We have Swedish police, Sapo and many others let them take care of crimes, theft, family matters and all. Pity Swedish police they have no power at all.
It is time Swedish police take action and in pride take its position from stolen authorities.
Let the Sweden's Democrats speak too. Because as an immigrant i don't see them as a threat at all. I see for me socialism and a nanny system (not liberal) the most threat in Sweden.
But perhaps it is time for my family to move on and live in America. I cannot see any reason and any desire to change this system.