Anonym (anonym) skrev 2014-05-05 19:17:30 följande:
Warning families that pediatricians and pharmaceutical companies are harming children with unneeded drugs and vaccines, the 63-year-old positions himself as a truth-teller who protects kids by upholding this oath, "Above all, do no harm."
Yet his suburban Chicago practice, currently known as Homefirst, garnered an alarming record: It was on the losing side of one of the largest U.S. jury verdicts -- $30 million -- ever awarded to the family of a newborn in a wrongful-death suit.
More recently, that contrarian impulse has seen him create the Autism Recovery Clinic in Rolling Meadows. He treats autistic children with Lupron, an injectable drug sometimes used to chemically castrate sex offenders. Top endocrinologists and autism experts have dismissed the treatment as junk science.
Mayer Eisenstein is a go-to person in the vaccines-cause-autism community. He heads a large practice in the Chicago area and claims that his unvaccinated children do not have autism. He also was or is a part of the Lupron Franchisea group of practitioners who took on the Geier idea that shutting down sex hormone production in autistics could be a treatment. It was a profoundly bad idea.
After the $30M verdict, Mayer Eisenstein filed bankruptcy.
Denne läkare ger injektioner med preparat till barn som stänger ned produktionen av könshormoner han utför med andra ord kemisk kastrering på barn för att hindra autism efter vaccination eller för att bota autism.
Eisenstein is not board-certified in any of the specialties relevant to autism and the use of Lupron, including pediatrics, endocrinology, neurology and psychiatry.
Seriöst?! Jag har Asperger, en mild form av autism, och jag är helt förfärad över detta! Ska vi inte få reproducera oss?