Brittisk rapport om Rysk militär förmåga:
Assessing Russia´s Power: A Report
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This report gauges Russia's current power by reviewing its capabilities, intentions and other factors in nine key areas. The latter include 1) the Russian military's conventional and nuclear capabilities; 2) the country's economic strengths and weaknesses, particularly in the military sphere; 3) Moscow?s soft power in the post-Soviet space and beyond; 4) the normative dimensions of Russia?s global influence; 5) the domestic challenges to the country?s strength, and much more.
English (PDF, 47 pages, 1.21 MB)
Bettina Renz, Pavel Baev, Julian Cooper, Richard Connolly, Tracey German, Victoria Hudson, Valentina Feklyunina, Natasha Kuhrt, Hanna Smith, (Editors: Natasha Kuhrt, Valentina Feklyunina)
British International Studies Association
Newcastle University, King's College London
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