Zinfandel skrev 2013-01-28 08:06:37 följande:
Holly: hittade detta:
Grading of the placenta can be done by ultrasound and by looking and how much calcifications there are in the placenta. A grade 3 placenta, for example, is normal at 40 weeks. But if too many calcifications are seen early in pregnancy, it can indicate that the placenta is aging too rapidly. This can happen in high blood pressure and diabetes, for example. If the placenta is found to have advanced calcifications early in pregnancy, the baby will be evaluated for growth at intervals to be sure he is getting the nutrients that he needs. In addition, the amniotic fluid level is checked frequently to make sure there is enough of it, because decreased fluid could mean the placenta is not providing enough nutrients to the fetus.
Placental grading refers to a ultrasound grading system of the placenta dependant on maturity. This primarily affects the extent of calcifications. In some countries the use of placental grading has fallen out of obstetric practice.
The grading system is as
grade 0 : < 18 weeks : uniform echogenicity smooth chorionic plate grade I : 18 - 29 weeks : occasional parechymal calcification / hyper-echoic areas grade II : > 30 weeks : occasional basal calcification / hyper-echoic areas may also have comma type deinsities at the chorionic plate. grade III : > 39 weeks : significant basal calcification chorionic plate interrupted by indentations an early progression to a grade III placenta in concerning and is sometimes associated with placental insufficiency
Förkalkningar alltså. Det verkar vara en självklarhet i USA! Inget att oroa sig över men väldigt bra att det görs.

Tack Zin, spännande! Känns lite skumt att han bad mig kolla det först nu, det känns ju som att det bara är fara på färde tidigt i graviditeten och att det är normalt med förkalkningar så här långt fram. Menmen, man lär sig nåt nytt hela tiden - ska försöka komma ihåg att fråga om det på nästa ultraljud! :)