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  • caliningrad

    FN barnkonvention och svensk skola

    Eftersom traden "teknikradda larare" blev lite OT borjar jag en ny trad.

    Jag anser att i manga fall har Sverige misstolkat FN barnkonvention och anvant denna som en grundsten i en felaktig ideologi dar barnet ska sta i centrum och styr.

    Ett konkret exempel:

    Dar star det:
    "This Convention encourages adults to listen to the opinions of children  and involve them in decision-making  -- not give childrenauthority over adults "

    Det star dessutom att man bor ta hansyn till barnets alder och mognad nar man lyssnar pa ett barn.

    Till skillnad fran:

    dar man kan lasa (och jag tycker att det ar forskrackligt):

    Barnen bestämmer

    - Barnen får alltid vara med och bestämma och vi är noga med att lokalen ska vara anpassad för barn och skilja sig från deras hemmiljö, säger Anette.

  • Svar på tråden FN barnkonvention och svensk skola
  • caliningrad

    Sverige har dessutoms kritiserats NYLIGEN  och FOR FEMTE GANGEN (forra veckan faktiskt) av FN angaende hur barnkonventionen har implementerats.

    Sa, Frosomblomster, du kan fortsatta tro den raddande propagandan, men vi som har jobb som ar FN-relaterade ar faktiskt mer insatta i fragan an du, tydligen.

    Las pa och dokumentera dig ar mitt rad! Var nyfiken! Undersok, analysera, dra slutsatser!

    UN bashes Swedish children's rights

    Published: 8 Oct 11 11:11 CET | 

    For the fifth time, Sweden has been criticised by the UN's Committee on the Rights of the Child for not having introduced their children's rights convention as Swedish law.

    Sweden signed the convention in 1990, and an added protocol on child trafficking in 2006.

    For the first time, the UN committee in Geneva has now investigated how well the Swedish government has followed the protocol on protecting children against trafficking, prostitution and child pornography.

    The government was criticised on more points than Christina Heilborn, children's rights lawyer at Unicef's Swedish division, was expecting, including criticism on how refugee and asylum-seeking children are treated in Sweden.

    "The committee feel these groups aren't protected sufficiently here," said Heilborn to news agency TT.

    The committee has investigated Sweden and the children's rights convention on four previous occasions.

    "A general criticism, which has been voiced several times before, is about making the convention Swedish law. This is a recurring criticism against Sweden, and the government has chosen to completely ignore it."

    A country such as Sweden is expected to take a convention about children's human rights very seriously, stated the committee earlier this week.

    The government, represented in Geneva by department officials, stated that Swedish laws generally provide children with better protection than the convention does.

    When asked by TT how the convention would improve upon Swedish law, Christina Heilborn responded:

    "One major difference would be a clear protection against discrimination, that all children in Sweden would have the same rights by law, whether they lack documents, are in hiding, asylum-seekers or Swedish citizens. Today children are divided into groups which have different rights. This is something which is not allowed according to the children's rights convention."

    The UN's Committee on the Rights of the Child also wants Sweden to introduce a harsher definition of what constitutes child pornography.
Svar på tråden FN barnkonvention och svensk skola