Nimah skrev 2014-04-01 07:56:21 följande:
Jag förstår att du bara vill lugna, men oro och stress orsakar inte missfall! Får man missfall beror det inte på att man oroat sig eller på nåt annat man själv kunnat påverka.
Researchers have long known that during times of stress, the brain releases several hormones -- including one called corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH). In past research, women who deliver prematurely or have low-birth-weight babies were often found to have high levels of CRH in their bloodstream, and other studies show a greater risk of miscarriage in women reporting stress. CRH is a hormone the brain secretes in reaction to physical or emotional stress, and it is also produced in the placenta and the uterus of a pregnant woman to trigger uterine contractions during delivery.