• h8him

    Usch på er som ger era barn KÖTT!

    Längst lever de som har en mer avslappnad livsstil och äter mycket vegetariskt men som även äter kött och fisk ibland, enligt en annan studie: "C. 1900 vegetarians participate in the study carried out since 1978 under the direction of associate professor Dr. Jenny Chang-Claude. The scientists divided the participants into three different dietary groups. A small group - 60 participants - has declared to abstain not only from meat but also from other animal foodstuffs such as milk or eggs (vegans). Two thirds of study partipants do eat eggs and dairy products while avoiding meat (ovo-lacto vegetarians), and roughly one third state to occasionally consume small servings of meat or fish (moderate vegetarians).

    Comparing these three categories, occasional meat consumers seem to have opted for the healthiest diet, i.e. the observed lowered mortality risk cannot be attributed to complete abstention from meat and fish."

    Allt går att bevisa med forskning, frågan är bara vad man vill veta...

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