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  • Malkurrag

    Pappar ta med era döttrar på en dans! ENGESLT TRÅD

    Father-Daughter Valentine Dance

    Held in over 100 communities in 30 states. You can do one in your community. In 1993 the first St. Mark's Church, Father-Daughter Valentine Dance was held. In a blinding snowstorm, it still drew over 1,000 fathers, daughters and mothers. It is now one of the most popular celebrations in the City of Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Our purpose is to help families provide a quality evening together for Dads and their Daughters of all ages. With the hope of forging stronger friendships between the generations. It has been said that a young girls first male love is her father. If she does not find the attention from him that her heart craves she will search for it elsewhere, sometimes in the wrong place with the wrong person. We Dads want to set a dating standard of love and respect for our daughters so they won't necessarily fall for the same old pressure tactics boys have been using for years. We want to show them how to have fun in a drug-free, alcohol-free and violence-free environment. The movement is a ministry not a fund raising or business scheme. A complete manual on how to do your own dance is available for a contribution of $8.50 payable to St. Mark's Church and mail to: Jim Massery, 23 Euclid Avenue, Pittsfield, Ma 01201. 413.447.9907 or or

    Jag läste detta och jag måste säga det lät vettigt!
    Att fädrar sätter standarder :D Inte ur en pervers synpunkt men alltså om en dotter får se från tidig ålder hur ett bra förhållande ska vara och sedan när intresset för pojkar ökar och papporna inte bara säger du ska vara hemma vid 10 och får jag granska din kille du ska ut med? Utan att ta med henne på en "dejt" och visa hur det ska vara TYP. fan missförståmig rätt nu :D

Svar på tråden Pappar ta med era döttrar på en dans! ENGESLT TRÅD