Din son är en respektlös snorunge (som dessutom verkar ha fastnat i 2015- inte vidare hippt)
Dags att fixa det.
För övrigt rätt sorgligt med all andrasortering som fortfarande svänger sig med alfa/beta då det inte finns något sådant bland människor, och inte ens bland vargar, om man hänger med i forskningen. Denna utbredda missuppfattning baserar sig på nu 50 år gammal skåpmat.
"The concept of the alpha wolf is well ingrained in the popular wolf literature, at least partly because of my book ?The Wolf: Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species,? written in 1968, published in 1970, republished in paperback in 1981, and currently still in print, despite my numerous pleas to the publisher to stop publishing it. Although most of the book?s info is still accurate, much is outdated. We have learned more about wolves in the last 40 years than in all of previous history.
One of the outdated pieces of information is the concept of the alpha wolf. ?Alpha? implies competing with others and becoming top dog by winning a contest or battle. However, most wolves who lead packs achieved their position simply by mating and producing pups, which then became their pack. In other words they are merely breeders, or parents, and that?s all we call them today, the ?breeding male,? ?breeding female,? or ?male parent,? ?female parent,? or the ?adult male? or ?adult female.? In the rare packs that include more than one breeding animal, the ?dominant breeder? can be called that, and any breeding daughter can be called a ?subordinate breeder.?