• Applejacks

    Can I continue my pregnancy even though I took the first Myfiegyne?

    Hi everyone...

    I'm apologizing first hand for writing in English. It's just that I'm in a completely wrecked emotional state and worrying about writing in Swedish w/ no grammatical errors whatsoever is the last thing on my mind.

    Roughly 30 minutes ago today, I wound up taking my first Mifegyne pill. My second appointment to take the second series of medication to complete the abortion is scheduled on monday morning. But as of right now I feel as though I've made the biggest mistake of my life. I'm currently 17+6 weeks and since I found out (roughly 8 weeks) I have been going back and forth about if I should or shouldn't keep it. My Sambo, 37, has always wanted to start a family with me and since day one has wanted to keep the baby. He's emotionally/financially stable and has enough money (28.000) to take care of all three of us up until the point where I am able to find a full-time job after my mum-leave.

    I on the other hand, 29, just finished up my magistersexamen and have a job working timanställd (hourly) and make roughly (7.000) a month. Sadly, this pregnancy was not planned? so it has bothered me greatly that I do not have a normal full-time job where I feel as though I'm not going to be just contributing emotionally-- but financially as well to support a child. Plus, I have not had the greatest childhood in the world either. With having an abusive mother + not having enough money to go around --- I am deathly afraid of subjecting my future children with the same problems I experience growing up. In fact since I found out about being pregnant, I've been finding any and every reason (even reasons that don't make any sense) to prove the fact that I am not fit to be a mother. My sambo keeps trying to assure me that we can make it if we put our hearts to it?and that he will be there for both the child and I?but I kept trying to convince myself that I wasn't worthy enough to be a mother?and yeah.

    My sambo and his family are trying to be as supportive as they can. Yet they cannot see past my reasons for not wanting to keep it before. Things are much different here in Sweden than they are in the US in regards to the care of children?and they honestly believe that I am fit enough to be a mother. If I wasn't, then I wouldn't be going back and forth with making a decision this long and worrying about being a "good enough" mother. The fact that I am worrying this much is proving to them that I am. 

    The doctor that gave me the mifegyne told me to be sure in my decision as there is no turning back after it has been taken. I sobbed and cried when I put that pill in my mouth and have been crying since then. I want to keep my baby?.but want to know if the damage has already been done.

    Is there anyone out there that has not followed through with their abortion and is willing to share their stories?! 

    Feel free to respond in Swedish?I can understand it fluently but as I stated earlier, my writing sucks so forgive me if I respond in english.

  • Svar på tråden Can I continue my pregnancy even though I took the first Myfiegyne?
  • Anonym (notsure)

    I´m not sure but I think you can continue but you might have to go on regurlary check-ups since it can give som problems with the featus arms and legs.

    BUT, for some women the bleeding will start after just taking the mifegyn tablet (before taking the other medication) and if you do so I think there is not much to do..

    So tell them on monday how you feel!!

  • Applejacks

    Thank you for the responses. Haven't been able to sleep since yesterday and again-, I feel nothing more than regret for taking that pill. I can't believe how stupid I was for taking it even though I still (at 17+6 and at the time it was the last chance I had to go through an abortion without needing permission from the government). I pushed myself into a corner and instead of listening to my heart-, I like always let my over- take control.

    I've read through some of the threads on this forum concerning the same thing and they all pretty much have divided opinions. Some are saying that it's too late and that the embryo is already dead. If there is a chance that that it is still alive, then it would probably experience some defects in its arms/legs. Others say that they have followed their hearts and that miraculously the embryo had survived and that they have completely healthy babies/children. :/

    I couldn't live with myself if I were to risk bringing a child into the world with birth defects. But at the same time I would regret knowing for the rest of my life that I hadn't given it a shot?.feeling that it's still kicking in there and that I haven't started bleeding. 

    Is there anyone else out there that has experienced this?

  • Anonym (xxxx)

    The defects caused on the fetus probably depends on the pregnancy week. You no longer carry an embryo, but a fetus with arms and legs. The outcome might be different when the pill is taken before arms and legs have developed. If you read other people's stories, they need to be in the same week as you if you want to compare the outcome.

    According to Wikipedia, the drug is not directly killing the fetus, but it prevents your pregnancy maintaining hormones from functioning. So I guess that the harm done on the fetus is because it doesn't get enough nutrients.

  • ÄlskarMina

    I´ve been thinking of you this week..
    How are you? Hjärta What did you decide to do with the pregnancy? 

    ·¨`*·.¸¸.*Nova -04, Arvid -10, "Grynet" bf juni-15*.¸¸.·*¨`·
  • Applejacks

    Hi everyone,

    I wound up going to the hospital on the day I was suppose to take the second round of pills. But since I had already gotten in contact with a nurse the night before-- they were already prepared for me to not go through with it.

    I was given a pamphlet of information concerning women that have taken myfiegyne but have decided to cancel the abortion (which left me with some hope)  and was left by myself for a couple of minutes to make a decision. 

    So it's been now roughly almost a week since I left the clinic and decided to keep the baby. Even though I have not started bleeding or anything-, I have noticed a couple of changes in my body. My find that my uterus is a bit softer than it was pre-Myfiegyne, my stomach has gone down in size, and I don't feel the baby moving as much as I did before. Maybe I'm just being my overly sensitive self?but it feels a bit different now. 

    I have an appointment scheduled with a barnmorskan next week on Thursday to do an ultrasound and take some tests. So right now I am a bit worried since Thursday is quite a long way away :/

  • VioloLaviose
    Applejacks skrev 2014-11-22 13:04:33 följande:

    Hi everyone,

    I wound up going to the hospital on the day I was suppose to take the second round of pills. But since I had already gotten in contact with a nurse the night before-- they were already prepared for me to not go through with it.

    I was given a pamphlet of information concerning women that have taken myfiegyne but have decided to cancel the abortion (which left me with some hope)  and was left by myself for a couple of minutes to make a decision. 

    So it's been now roughly almost a week since I left the clinic and decided to keep the baby. Even though I have not started bleeding or anything-, I have noticed a couple of changes in my body. My find that my uterus is a bit softer than it was pre-Myfiegyne, my stomach has gone down in size, and I don't feel the baby moving as much as I did before. Maybe I'm just being my overly sensitive self?but it feels a bit different now. 

    I have an appointment scheduled with a barnmorskan next week on Thursday to do an ultrasound and take some tests. So right now I am a bit worried since Thursday is quite a long way away :/

    But why didn't they check the baby egen you where already there? Or listened to its heatbeat?

    I hope the little one is ok <3
  • Applejacks

    I have no idea why they didn't offer to do a UL there or just check for a heartbeat. I guess they were just understaffed and wanted me out of there. :/

    But since I last wrote things are pretty much the same. Smaller stomach, softer uterus and decreased movement from the baby. Looks like I'm going to have to wait another week as the midwife clinic that I recently signed-up with requested that I change my appointment to next thursday instead. Something about someone being sick and no one else was there to replace her/him.

    So there goes another week without knowing if things are ok :(. 

  • ÄlskarMina

    Its gonna be a long week for you then..

    But you feel movements from the baby? Thats a good sign.

    I think of you and hope everything is ok!

    ·¨`*·.¸¸.*Nova -04, Arvid -10, "Grynet" bf juni-15*.¸¸.·*¨`·
  • Anonym (Please update!!!!!)

    How did it go???!?!?!!

Svar på tråden Can I continue my pregnancy even though I took the first Myfiegyne?