Anonym (Mi) skrev 2020-09-27 09:07:19 följande:
Do you know what the ownership looked like?
That is, did the brothers each own half of the house?
Or did anyone own more?
If there are more siblings, they have the right to inherit from the brother who died as well as the one who remains.
If he now lives half, it is the brother's part that is to be divided between siblings or nieces and nephews if siblings do not live.
What kind of accommodation can the man move to? of course he hesitates if he has lived in the house for a long time but maybe he thinks for a while that it will be too much work with a house depending on whether there is a lot to do with the house, plot etc.
The estate register is probably not ready yet if only a couple of months have passed.
Tell the man that you are interested in buying and that he can contact you when all the legal issues are clear if he then wants to sell.
If you do not hear anything for a while, you can ask him again if you have thought about a possible. sale.
But do not bother then he may not want to sell to you.
But you can also, as others have written, give a good offer so maybe he will be interested.
Hans bror äger 100% av det här huset. Eftersom han har inget barn kommer alla hans syskon att dela det här huset.
När vi kontaktade honom första gången sa han att han har en annan plats att flytta till och bouppteckningen bearbetar. Vi trodde att han ville sälja huset snart. Vi vet inte vilket boende han mannen flytta till.
Det är ett bra förslag att ge ett bra bud.
Jag tänker också om han tycker att flytta är för mycket arbete för honom. Då kan vi erbjuda att hjälpa honom.