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  • Tow2Mater

    Klimatförnekaren Scott Pruitt blir chef för EPA=miljöminister.

    "...illegal regulations that cannot survive court challenges will never accomplish the EPA?s lofty goals. The EPA under Scott Pruitt will be in the business of protecting the environment, not centralizing power in Washington or rewarding green-energy firms."

    "Scott Pruitt will restore the EPA to its intended purpose. He will work with the states, not against them, to craft solutions that address the unique concerns of those states."

  • Tow2Mater

    "What he objects to is Obama's EPA repeatedly overstepping its constitutional boundaries, disrespecting the states and promulgating regulations that are excessive, costly, job-killing, and not conducive to improving the environment.
    When Scott Pruitt established a federalism unit in Oklahoma, it was in service to assuring the public?s investment in clean energy was not wasted by federal bureaucrats heedless of the needs, capabilities, and common sense of the states. At the same time, he hoped to ensure that energy of all types would be developed responsibly."

    "Scott Pruitt takes a more scientifically sound approach than his critics do, insisting that data be heeded objectively and that reasoned debate?not orthodoxy?inform our policies. He knows, as I do from my background as a physician, that science is never ?settled? ? it requires constant study and re-evaluation of existing conclusions. "

    "Pruitt negotiated a historic water rights settlement with his state?s Indian tribes that preserved the ecosystems of scenic lakes and rivers for generations to come.

    He also commissioned a fresh study of phosphorus load data for an agreement between Arkansas and Oklahoma to reduce pollution in the Illinois River. In addition, he's represented Oklahomans in numerous actions against industrial polluters and in utility rate cases.

    Pruitt is accomplished, dedicated, and committed to achieving the balance that the Obama EPA failed to strike between environmental protection and economic prosperity."
  • Tow2Mater
    Bergis skrev 2016-12-22 22:40:22 följande:

    Svensk medias anti Trump propaganda är minst sagt komisk att ta del av.

    Visst är den.
  • Tow2Mater
    Rappström skrev 2016-12-25 01:48:35 följande:
    Nej inte om man läser det han skriver. Om 30 år är det försent.
    Bumpa tråden om 30 år, så kan vi se.
  • Tow2Mater
    Rappström skrev 2017-01-07 01:09:19 följande:
    Vi ska ner till 0 har jag för mig.
    Misslyckas vi kan klimatet skena utom kontroll så alla dör.
    Ska du sluta andas menar du?
Svar på tråden Klimatförnekaren Scott Pruitt blir chef för EPA=miljöminister.