Jo men titta, det sprider sig ju faktiskt!! I går gick msnbc ut med det här.
"Ob-gyns and parents should think about giving the cord blood to the baby," said lead researcher Paul Sanberg of the University of South Florida.
Är det förresten någon här som vet om det här stämmer som Sarah Buckley skriver i Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering’ (2005):
* The likelihood of low-risk children needing their own stored cells has been estimated at 1 in 20,000
* Cord blood donations are likely to be ineffective for the treatment of adults, because the number of stem cells are too small
* Cord blood may contain pre-leukemic changes and may increase the risk of relapse.
* Autologous cord blood is only suitable for children who develop solid tumours, lymphomas or auto-immune disorders
* All other uses are speculative